Revistă academică, anuală, indexată în Bazele de Date Internaţionale MLA (Modern Language Association, New York) - MLA International Bibliography & Directory of Periodicals, şi Fabula. La recherche en littérature, cotată B+ până în 2011, Cod CNCSIS 489 / 2010, ISSN 1844 – 6965.
Nr. 2 (10) / 2010 – Rezumate
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  1. Dacă acceptăm că etnicitatea se defineşte printr-un ansamblu de trăsături ce caracterizează o etnie, atunci avem datoria să identificăm în primul rând momentele care contribuie la conturarea şi afirmarea acestei etnii, evident prin deosebirea ei de alte elemente etnice. Astfel suntem tentaţi să urmărim evoluţia conceptualizării sale, prin surprinderea şi prezentarea calităţilor sale definitorii, aşa cum se reflectă ele în gândirea timpului. De aceea, considerăm că trebuie să începem cu recitirea operelor cronicarilor români, având ca direcţie de cercetare formele de... (citeste mai mult)
  2. En tant que journal représentatif pour l’époque communiste entière, « Scânteia » a promû, pendant les années 60, la doctrine politique du Parti Communiste, que tous les gens devaient mettre en pratique. Les opinions des écrivains et des critiques littéraires enrôlés parmi les activistes du parti, fermement exprimées, soutiennent l’idéologie et le projet utopique de la république communiste à venir. En ruinant la littérature – subordonnée à la politique officielle – les idées que le journal porte mettent entre parenthèses... (citeste mai mult)
  3. Being a well-known Romantic personality, Ion Heliade Rădulescu builds up utopian universes reflecting the main cultural, social and political ideas of his epoch but never to become practical due to their over-complex construction. In his attempt to adapt Hugo’s pattern of The Legend of Centuries (“Legenda secolelor”), Heliade creates a large poem entitled Anatolida which is meant to re-write the main cosmogonic moments in a personal view. From an ideological perspective, his work is highly eclectic. Thus, in Anatolida, the... (citeste mai mult)
  4. Lucrarea pune problema marcării culturale a comunicării nonverbale. Chiar dacă o serie de elemente ale codurilor nonverbale se caracterizează prin universalitate (de exemplu semnalele transmise prin mimică), nu este mai puţin adevărat că diferitele culturi pot alege să exprime aceleaşi conţinuturi (sentimente, emoţii, nevoi) în moduri diferite. Aceste variaţii fac obiectul de interes al comunicării interculturale nonverbale. Practic, cele mai multe forme ale comunicării nonverbale nu pot fi interpretate decât în interiorul graniţelor culturii în care se produc. Globalizarea a... (citeste mai mult)
  5. Negation is a language mechanism that is used quite frequently in advertising. Double negative ads are highly novel because the format is unexpected and incongruent. Their contrastive nature, beginning with extremely negative imagery which is later disassociated from the brand of interest, is attention-grabbing. In fact, the exaggerated negative imagery may serve as a reference point to which the brand of interest is later compared to, which would create a large contrast effect and make the brand of interest seem... (citeste mai mult)
  6. Dans le contexte actuel technologique et informationnel, la compréhension des modalités par lesquelles les gens filtrent la réalité quotidienne par des stéréotypes s’avère une exigence objective. Appliquer des pensées rigides, répétitives dans la perception sociale, dans l’élaboration des interférences ou dans la formation des impressions a comme conséquence l’inefficacité en communication par l’induction de la confusion, des interprétations erronées et dissonantes du point de vue affectif cognitif par rapport au contexte relationnel. L’inertie des stéréotypes constitue l’ennemi invisible des relations... (citeste mai mult)
  7. Depuis Althusser, nous savons que tout discours (idéologique ou non) produit ou induit un effet de subjectivité. Encore faut-il préciser la nature de ses effets. Partant d’une conception du discours héritée des « structuralistes » français, le rapport du sujet avec le discours idéologique est interrogée à l’aûne du discours sectaire. Si par discours, l’on entend la disposition et l’articulation dans le champ social de signifiants en tant que cet agencement structure le rapport entre les individus et donc détermine... (citeste mai mult)
  8. The political censorship during the communist era in Romania, triggers off the so-called exile. The Romanian writers, who, choosing not to obey the political regime, tilting toward a literature of reality, aesthetic, transparent and open, and giving up not only the hermetism of the words, but also the hiding of the truth, are forced to choose the painful path of alienation. For some, the journey to another realm proves to be a one way road into nothingness. Romanian writer and... (citeste mai mult)
  9. Acţiunea se petrece într-un Bucureşti comunist în care Preşedintele îşi construieşte mitul conducătorului prin ruperea prezentului proletar de trecutul corupt al boierimii şi înfiinţarea societăţii civice. Această societate presupune acte groteşti ale Preşedintelui (scris cu majusculă) care se consideră întruparea divinităţii. Dorinţa lui de a rămâne în memoria statului său chiar şi după ce va muri este privită cu umor negru: „Deşi era în viaţă, Preşedintele voia să-şi asigure nemurirea, să intre în memoria secolelor. Se gândea că, după moartea... (citeste mai mult)
  10. Notre ouvrage concerne la recherche du lexique roumain dans la presse philologique; ou va analyser de divers aspects concernant le marquage social des mots et la manière dont il etait aperçu pendant la periode... (citeste mai mult)
  11. Cătălin Mihuleac is widely known in Romania as a journalist, author of different articles and lampoons published in various periodicals from Iaşi and from all over the country. In Our Country the Pig and the Fir Tree Are Brothers is a sketch in which black humour and satire combine wonderfully in a unique way, characteristic to Cătălin Mihuleac. Mihuleac’s satire is not bitter and vexing, like that of Swift, thus his black humour is mild and waggish. If the main... (citeste mai mult)
  12. The social identity is a complex and resourcefull research domain which have benefited from a large number of conceptual, methodological and experimental studies. The goal of this publication is to present some of the significant scientific contributions concerning the development of the social identity, as a part of the self concept of person. Are discused and analyzed the significances of the social identity concept related to self identity concept and presented the main perspectives of approach and the explanatory psychosocial... (citeste mai mult)
  13. If we agree, and we do, that every piece of writing is in essence a testament (Derrida), then readers, present at its reading, willingly compete in discovering what the writer bestows on each of them. This becomes more conspicuous in the many transnational appropriations of those writers that entered the collective unconscious. The three Romanian appropriations of Nabokov we propose to discuss in the present paper (Catalina Buzoianu’s stage adaptation “Lolita”, 2002; Mihai Zamfir’s novel Fetita/ The Little Girl, 2003;... (citeste mai mult)
  14. The present paper aims at demonstrating that in this age of globalization, which has rendered discourse problematic and utterly clichéd, the contemporary writer faces a new challenge: that of rendering private experience through a language that would be meaningful and that would, at the same time, still preserve its artistic appeal. In this context, the fiction of contemporary British writer Jeanette Winterson is ‘rooted in silence’ (Winterson 169), a narrative technique which she uses extensively in order to figure her... (citeste mai mult)
  15. The contemporary period is characterized by the undeniable influence of the globalization phenomenon at various levels of human endeavour, which has reshaped the workplace skills array. Responding to the workplace globalization trend, tertiary education students, the future employees in a globally oriented environment, seek to develop a new range of both hard, but mainly soft skills, in order to be better equipped to perform successfully in an enlarged multinational environment. It has therefore become crucial for the higher education to... (citeste mai mult)
  16. La postmodernité reflète les conséquences de la globalisation comme phénomène, idéologie ou stratégies. La littérature postmoderne est carractérisée de l’éclectisme de la postmodernité en général. Elle soulève des questions fondamentales en ce qui concerne sa nature particulière. Interrogative, auto-référencielle et réflexive, la littérature postmoderne restructure le discours critique. Malgré son éclectisme, elle utilise une série des conventions structurelles qui lui donnent la... (citeste mai mult)
  17. Notre étude se propose de traiter et de décrire la figure du lecteur chez Maurice Blanchot, telle qu’elle apparaît dans L’espace littéraire. Dans sa recherche, Maurice Blanchot voit le lecteur comme le seul qui fait l’effort de produire un livre. Par son acte de lecture, le lecteur donne un sens particulier à l’oeuvre. Il réussit à faire apparaître un livre par sa lecture parce qu’il s’approprie le texte qu’il découvre jusqu’à le transformer. Cela signifie que le livre commence à... (citeste mai mult)
  18. Obţinerea, păstrarea şi recunoaşterea de către ceilalţi a puterii politice necesită deopotrivă eforturi susţinute, recurgerea la mijloace variate de supunere şi impunere a recunoaşterii superiorităţii. Pentru societatea medievală însă, acestea capătă şi o dimensiune religioasă, alături de cea diplomatică, respectiv cotidiană. Toate acestea se observă şi în societatea românească extracarpatică premodernă, asupra căreia ne vom opri atenţia, mai ales pentru perioada secolelor XVII-XVIII. Având ca puncte de reper raporturile interstatale, relaţiile Stat-Biserică, precum şi relaţiile din cadrul comunităţii româneşti, am... (citeste mai mult)
  19. Analizat în raport cu principiile riguroase care caracterizează terminologia ştiinţifică, lexicul politic actual apare ca un tip de terminologie aflat în formare şi caracterizat, pe de o parte, ca fiind un cod deschis, iar pe de altă parte, prin mobilitate contextuală, de la care derivă, ca efect imediat, ambiguitatea sensului. Lucrarea de faţă va încerca să surprindă relaţia existentă între clişeu şi inovaţia lexicală în discursul politic actual precum şi reflectarea acestuia în presa scrisă din... (citeste mai mult)
  20. Im Kontext von Globalisierung, staatlichem Wandel und Denationalisierung erfahren Mehrebenenpolitiken in den Internationalen Beziehungen eine wachsende Bedeutung. Dabei wird in verschiedenen Politikfeldern beobachtet, wieRessourcen, Aufgaben und Legitimation von der nationalstaatlichen auf die sub- sowie auf die supranationale Ebenen verlagert werden und analysiert, ob und wie Mehrebenenstrukturen neue Formen des Regierens befördern bzw. behindern. Die mit der Globalisierung einhergehende Diffusion von kulturellen Praktiken, Formen des Ausdrucks und Ideen führt zu einer sogenannten Hyperkulturalität. Im Zuge der Globalisierung lösen sich die kulturellen... (citeste mai mult)
  21. Cette étude propose une analyse théorique du concept de l’intimité mis en relation avec les instances narratives qui organise ce type de discours. En fait, on part de la prémisse que l’intimité doit être perçue comme une condition essentielle de l’homme moderne, autour de laquelle se développe une manière spécifique de vivre où on devient conscient de son intériorité, et on prouve que cette perception intime de l’existence qui déclenche une sorte de crise identitaire devient le contexte appropié pour... (citeste mai mult)
  22. Considering the globalisation process, we observe that the religious phenomenon has a major importance and a great share into configuration of the structures and of the relations between the institutional actors and global marketing brand in the beginning of XXIst century. In this paper I want to project a short analysis of the relation that is engaged, at global level, the religious discourse and the manner it interferes with the sphere of business, politics or economics, and the interrogation which... (citeste mai mult)
  23. La modernité et la modernisation de l’univers littéraire roumain ont été en directe liaison avec le romantisme occidental au XIXe siècle. La conscience esthétique nationale s’est révélée comme l’une des cultures débutantes, sans avoir une doctrine littéraire bien formée. Le manque des manifestations artistiques et de la tradition littéraire qui assurent une telle continuité - tout cela a provoqué des réactions nouvelles. Repérant les modèles multiples et divers venant de l’Ouest (le prestige du romantisme français par exemple), les écrivains... (citeste mai mult)
  24. Dès le début du XIXe siècle, dans les milieux culturels roumains se manifeste l’intérêt pour la synchronisation avec la grande culture européenne. Les personnalités qui animent les premières publications en langue roumaine construisent, dans les articles-programme dont le but fondamental est de justifier la nécessité d’une presse nationale, tout un édifice argumentatif qui fait surgir l’image d’une Europe illuminée, utopie encyclopédique ayant le « foyer » dans la France des Lumières, l’espace culturel qui avait « fourni », d’ailleurs, aux... (citeste mai mult)
  25. The paper to follow is strongly based on a report that appeared in The Economist, volume 367, number 8330, June 28th – July 4th 2003, the Special 160th Anniversary Issue, pages 59-60. The report is entitled Wakey wakey! and deals with crime in Mexico, as the situation appeared about 7-8 years ago. The Mexican government then wanted a total reform of the country’s creaking criminal-justice system, as the Mexican’s faith in this institution was reported to be so low, that... (citeste mai mult)
  26. Analiza presei scrise reprezentate de ziarele naţionale „Cotidianul” şi „Adevărul” în perioada 2007-2009 cu referire la fenomenul migraţionist din România relevă aspecte importante legate de portretul „căpşunarului”român, al românului emigrant, rezultat direct al aderării României la Uniunea Europeană şi implicit al globalizării. Cercetarea efectuată în perioada amintită este centrată pe trei coordonate: social-ideologică, instituţională şi culturală, considerate atât din prisma ţării de origine, cât şi a ţării de destinaţie. Discursul mediatic este analizat stereotipic, cu evidenţierea elementelor de... (citeste mai mult)
  27. La littérature arthurienne exprime, dans son ensemble, des contenus liés à l’éthique courtoise et à une représentation idéale du monde féodal et des chevaliers de la Table Ronde. Ce vaste répertoire de textes extrêmement disparates est le résultat d’une symbiose réalisée entre le substrat légendaire offert par la littérature celtique médiévale et les éléments historiques fixés entre 800-1155 par les chroniqueurs Geoffroy de Monmouth, Guillaume de Malmesbury et Wace. La notion de « cortezia » désigne toutes les qualités spirituelles... (citeste mai mult)
  28. Lista de nume cuprinsă în Codul Ocupaţiilor din România (cca 3700 de termeni!), repetat revizuită şi completată în urma recomandărilor Consiliului Europei (1995, 2010), ilustrează deruta în care se află pragmaticienii români contemporani nu numai în ceea ce priveşte adoptarea şi adaptarea termenilor internaţionali (cazul întrebuinţării, ca atare şi în sintagme, a engl. officer, dar şi a altor anglicisme) sau a creaţiilor pe teren românesc pornind de la lexeme vechi sau de la baze neologice (cf. denumiri de profesii de... (citeste mai mult)
  29. The study is based on the analysis of the way the feminine character is constructed under the pressure of the ideology during the first decade of the communist regime in Romania. Such literary investigation proves its necessity, firstly, in order to reflect upon the profile of the socialist realism – the only method to artistically (and “durably”) create in the period, put in theory by and through the almighty Party. Therefore, in a literature subservient to the political system, the... (citeste mai mult)
  30. Le discours argumentatif se sert de diverses techniques en vue de répondre à son impératif, celui d’emporter la persuasion de son auditoire. Cette communication analyse les effets argumentatifs de l’emploi des verbes d’apparence telsparaître, sembler dans l’argumentation tenant pour prémisse leur polysémie fonctionnelle pragmatique qui les réclame en tant qu’indicateurs évidentiels, inférentiel, citationnel ou perceptif selon le contexte. Dans ce contexte, à partir de l’analyse de corpus, cette étude compte fournir les caractéristiques d’usage de ces verbes d’apparence en vue... (citeste mai mult)
  31. This paper is about the correlation between language and power from political, economic, social and cultural point of view at the societal level in general and in the Moldavian society in particularly. Due to the original approach, the comprehension of which is facilitated by graphs, the author could prove the pertinence of the stretchiness between language and power at different levels: politics, economics, society, culture. The existing misbalance between the position of Roumanian language and Russian language in the Republic... (citeste mai mult)
  32. Promovarea unei noi identităţi europene care să păstreze identităţile naţionale, dar şi să creeze un caracter european comun a devenit catalizatorul europenismului promovat după căderea Zidului Berlinului. În pofida unor sceptici, printre care şi Derrida, care susţin că acest deziderat este cel puţin problematic, eforturile depuse de organismele Uniunii Europene converg, încet dar sigur, spre o omogenizare a spaţiului european. Unul dintre mecanismele folosite este sectorul audiovizual, cu precădere filmul, fie el documentar sau artistic, circulaţia la nivel european a... (citeste mai mult)
  33. The Romanian Communist age displays a special power relation between ideology and literary discourse, especially when discussing authorial strategies of text manipulation. The politically-oriented literary discourse makes up its own canon and values, converting meaning into ideological... (citeste mai mult)
  34. The Romanian Communist literature enhances various strategies of ideological conversion under the cover of newlyoccured "aesthetic" values. Character and text are engaged in politically oriented "re-reading" patterns. Thus one can notice an overt dynamics of stereotypes and cliches within the fictional... (citeste mai mult)
  35. The (e/im)migrant is an ‘interstitial’ species, destined to oscillate between the poles of two different spaces/cultures: one native and ‘peripheral’, the other adoptive and ‘central’. His drama resides in both losing contact with his source-culture and taking a feeble grip to the target-culture. A crucial criterion in establishing a writer’s affiliation to a specific literature/culture is the language of his literary production. Starting from this fundamental criterion, I will first analyze various — and somehow tragical and nostalgic — ways... (citeste mai mult)
  36. This article refers to the interplay of democracy and authoritarianism in Median Europe (Lithuania, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria, Serbia). We are interested in the period covering the beginning of the 19th century, passing from communism and the hope of democracy after 1989. Also, there are differences among countries belonging to the Median Europe. The Czech Republic, Hungary or Poland have managed to leave behind them communist customs and better practice democracy. The situation is... (citeste mai mult)
  37. Stereotyped communication is characteristic both for individuals and for communities and the functions that this type of communication fulfills are either connected to discourse organization or to the construction of gender, race, age or social identity. Stereotypes can sometimes be considered markers of belonging to a certain group, geographical area or gender and the study of their formation and proliferation mechanisms is always a challenge. The discussion of stereotyped communication should revolve around aspects such as in-group linguistic practice, cosncious... (citeste mai mult)
  38. Starting from the assumption that, in the age of linguistic globalization, writing is an invaluable tool in business communication in a great variety of contexts, the present paper aims at looking into ways of enhancing economics undergraduates’ writing skills in English, with a view to improving their overall communication skills. The paper is divided into three parts: the first part introduces the peculiarities of writing in a foreign language in general and of commercial correspondence in particular; next, emphasis is... (citeste mai mult)
  39. Comunicarea interculturală are ecouri asupra tuturor aspectelor vieţii umane, îndeosebi asupra artei (latură a umanităţii, semnificativă pentru evidenţierea relaţiilor dintre culturi). Istoria umanităţii a cunoscut multe expresii artistice majore, rezultate din coexistenţa unor universuri culturale diferite, artiştii înţelegând rapid cât sunt de profitabile asemenea schimburi culturale. În regiunile lumii unde diferite culturi au intrat în relaţie, uneori ca urmare a unui act de cucerire, fecunditatea creaţiei artistice a reflectat interculturalitatea. Interculturalitatea descrie o apartenenţă multiplă şi o zonă de mişcare... (citeste mai mult)
  40. Lire en fonction du système des attentes de l’époque auquel on a accès par les normes spécifiques, reconstituer l’horizon d’attente en rapport avec lequel l’oeuvre a été créée et reçue ou nous approcher de l’univers du lecteur actuel, en mettant en balance l’idée du succès de l’oeuvre et l’idée de la valeur, en réconciliant de manière postmoderne les niveaux culturel et trivial, académique et de consommation? Le roman roumain du XIXe siècle, par exemple, recouvre des types romanesques puissamment influencés par... (citeste mai mult)
  41. Through the visual representations they transmit and mediate, films are one of the most accessible sites where the dynamics of cross-cultural image-making can be unravelled. Visual images carry ‘mental’ schemata that underpin the interplay between perception of the other and self-perception, constructing or deconstructing the ‘maps’ of meaning through which a particular group of people makes sense of everyday practices and experience. Starting from these theoretical premises rooted in imagology, the paper intends to analyse the form and function of... (citeste mai mult)
  42. Studiul reprezintă o sinteză a rezultatelor unei cercetări referitoare la acoperirea mediatică a condamnării oficiale a comunismului în plenul Parlamentului României (18 dec. 2006). Cercetarea a fost realizată de un grup de cadre didactice şi studenţi ai Facultăţii de Litere, Specializarea Jurnalism, Universitatea „Ovidius” din Constanţa. Analiza a vizat relaţia dintre constrângerile de acoperire mediatică (regimul urgenţei), conceptualizarea şi enunţarea contradicţiilor dintre actori instituţionali în discursul presei scrise, şi evoluţia relaţiilor dintre actorii instituţionali şi societate spre relaţii conflictuale (sindicate, guvern,... (citeste mai mult)
  43. În comunicarea noastră ne propunem să examinăm concepţia lingvistică a lui Iorgu Iordan şi a lui Al. Rosetti cu privire, în principal, la două probleme înainte (anii ’40) şi după (anii ’50) impunerea ideologiei marxiste (declanşată de intervenţia lui Stalin – Marxismul şi problemele lingvisticii [1950]) în lingvistica românească: problema motivării / arbitrariului semnului lingvistic (în cazul lui Al. Rosetti), respectiv problema neologismelor, cu precădere a terminologiei (în cazul lui Iorgu Iordan). Ne va interesa, aşadar, dacă într-adevăr (şi în... (citeste mai mult)
  44. In an age when English is a lingua franca, intercultural communication seems to be considerably eased, since more and more people can speak this language and use it in verbal interaction and negotiation. Things are not always so easy, because the use of a common language does not automatically ensure viable communication. Whether we consider it a positive or a negative thing, globalisation is still far from being a fact, and cultural identity still makes its presence felt; different identities... (citeste mai mult)
  45. Our study is part of a research project implemented by professors and students of Journalism Section within the frame of The Cross CulturaI Research Center – “Ovidius” University of Constanţa, Faculty of Letters in collaboration with DRI – Government of Romania (Grant 73/2007). In our research we identified, by content analysis, on a corpus consisting of articles (news, reports, interviews) of “Interetnica” a weekly supplement of “Cuget Liber” Journal: - the editorial strategy reveals the construction of ethnic harmony at... (citeste mai mult)
  46. The present paper fouses on the relationship between ideology and the political discourse, as well as on the relationship between ideology and propaganda. Our aim is to undeline the discoursive prospective of the ideology, seen into the global frame of the general communication process. A special attention is given to van Dijk´s three-dimension model of the ideologic discourse, based on a interdisciplinary theory of ideology which takes into consideration the level of the ideology´s nature, the level of its cognitive... (citeste mai mult)
  47. In the new world context, cultural identity has become of a crucial importance due to the melting of people. Everywhere, scholars are all invited to reflect on the new dimension to give this notion. Indeed, with the advent of globalization, the world now appears as a planetary village where the cultural barriers that formerly defined and distinguished nations and peoples and set the borders between them, are progressively lowered to make place to a unified mass culture. As such, the... (citeste mai mult)
  48. Le roman « La dernière nuit d’amour, la première nuit de guerre » de Camil Petrescu, de même que « La Forêt des pendus » de Liviu Rebreanu, en étant objectifs par le matériel de départ, dévoilent la physionomie intérieure d’une époque historique, en essayant de saisir ce « souffle mystérieux et vital » qui donne juste le « rythme de l’existence ». En moulant dans la pâte humaine différentes catégories psychiques, les romans se croisent sur le vaste territoire... (citeste mai mult)
  49. The political discourse is a ’discourse of influence’ whose particular nature can be outlined by firstly beginning from the persuasive effect directed to the audience. This type of speech is based on a special relationship (oriented, intentioned, dissimulated) with the receiver, showing its effectiveness exclusively in relation with this one and only on the background of a supportive climate. In these conditions, in the present work, we propose a delimitation of the persuasive strategies used in the present Romanian political... (citeste mai mult)
  50. Recuperarea textului lui C. Noica nu a ieşit din impasul critic generat de efectul pervers al secvenţializării temelor discursului, în diferite tipologii reductibile, „înrudite” – tema naţională, ethosul, „românitatea” lexicului, „arheologia” lingvistică, publicitarea modelelor, cultul patriarhatului şi elogiul ruralităţii, soarta culturii în cetate etc. Mecanismul generator de text a rămas, la Noica, într-o discreţie critică, în special datorită stilului elaborat, corintic, tăieturii impecabile a texturii ideii. Noile abordări critice solicită cu obligativitate „întoarcerea la text”, singura care poate da măsura exactă... (citeste mai mult)
  51. La globalisation implique une transformation explicite, quantifiable dans le plan littéraire; mais implique également une transformation implicite qui multiplie l’être, l’homme, en lui donnant une autre perspective sur soi-même et sur le monde. Comme n’importe quel concept culturel, la globalisation et ses effets dans le plan littéraire peuvent donner naissance aux quelques questions. Pour tracer le contour d’une démarche d’investigation nous avons formulé dès le début quelques questions générales sur l’influence que la globalisation peut l’exercer dans le plan des... (citeste mai mult)
  52. Cette étude traite de l’adverbe roumain pesemne (« apparemment ») afin de faire ressortir sa fonction évidentielle en étroite liaison avec le sens épistémique que l’unité peut traduire dans un contexte particulier. Notre hypothèse est que les sens évidentiel et épistémique dépendent du contexte où l’adverbe apparaît, et se présentent le plus souvent comme des manifestations syncrétiques. Ayant comme cadre théorique général la théorie de l’évidentialité (Dendale & Tasmowski 2001, Plungian 2001, Aikhenvald 2004), notre analyse a comme point de... (citeste mai mult)
  53. Without having their reality denied, the results of an unprecedentedly paced technological progress are witnessed by homo ludens with a feeling of alienation, the images presented in rapid succession, with a minor sense of the context or of the connection, resulting in the fact that an idea seems as good as any other. This way, the distinctive sign of the postmodern becomes the non-problematisation, manifested through complicity to consumerism and lack of critical accents. The postmodern being registers everything but... (citeste mai mult)
  54. One of the main new issues brought by the age of postmodernism was the ideology of globalization. Any interest in grand narratives is lost and bluntly discarded and the new age followed new values in a world that seemed not to conserve national identities and specificities within borders but imported or exported these aspects with an increased speed due to the appearance of the new type of communication and the new type of traveller – the jet man. Art, philosophy,... (citeste mai mult)
  55. L’adaptation et la traduction des termes culturels: étude de cas sur Baltagul aims at highlighting the factors that render the concept of translational adaptation full of controversies, given that translating through adapting has always been more than an innocent translation strategy, it has also been considered an unethical translators’ move. The theo etical perspective on the issue of adaptation will be analyzed against a French version and an English version of Mihail Sadoveanu’s novel Baltagul. I will focus on presenting... (citeste mai mult)
  56. Les traités de rhétorique traditionnels envisagent la figure comme étant une réalité à part dans le fonctionnement du langage. On la retrouve souvent dans des zones réservées: soit dans des domaines de la rhétorique et de la poétique, soit dans le cadre de l’élocution argumentative ou de l’esthétique littéraire. Les nouvelles approches de la figure essaient de s’éloigner de la conception de figure-altérité, figure-répertoire. Cette remise en question se fait selon deux directions principales (M. Bonhomme, 2005) :
    • Les figures participent
    ... (citeste mai mult)
  57. L'essai se propose à mettre en discussion la problématique générée du phénomène de la globalisation du discours des écrivains de l'exil. Un cas intéressant constitue Dumitru Radu Popa. Celui-ci quitte son pays en 1985 et, après une annéé passée en France, il s'établit aux Etats-Unis. L'espace social, culturel et, pas dernièrement, littéraire américain transforme l'écriture issue de ceux venus de l'ancienne Europe .La transformation supportée est tout à fait bénéfique, les thèmes de la réalité sont abordés sans complèxes, sans... (citeste mai mult)
  58. Distinction between the two aspects of gender identity appears as a result of a complex process involving a biological, psychological and social development. This article examines the ways in which literature, psychology and education has been influenced by feminist approaches and research into the areas of gender and sexuality. The impact of gender and gender-role on social aspects of life is... (citeste mai mult)
  59. Ideology, in this title being made to stand out with downgrading quotes, will be simplistically taken to indicate a way of looking at things. The epithet haunting points to our day’s social pressure felt in the case of the spirit of imitation, in a world transformed by forces of globalization. While approaching a few doubling processes, this research will pick up Michael Cronin’s (2003) terminological proposition of clonialism at a time when mankind faces the doubling nightmare of the scientific... (citeste mai mult)
  60. The author aims at locating the source of globalization which could be considered to be not only the dominant ideology but also the dominant belief system of our time. Globalization is a general term used to describe a large variety of economic, political, and cultural interconnections that practically blast barriers between countries. It also refers to the complex set of social interdependencies triggered by technological innovations, that make people increasingly aware of the deep relationships reconfiguring geographical, social, and cultural... (citeste mai mult)
  61. Cet article s’attarde sur le discours historique et son rôle dans la construction identitaire d’une communauté particulière au sein de l’état-nation. L’historiographie qu’elle soit objet d’étude de la sociologie ou de l’histoire nous éclaire sur les rapports sociaux et culturels des communautés entre elles et surtout, nous renseigne sur le sens que ces dernières projettent derrière leurs interactions avec l’histoire nationale. Le regard critique de l’historiographie anglophone s’est parfois attelé à du révisionnisme historique comme l’ont démontré de prééminents historiens... (citeste mai mult)
  62. This study aims at uncovering Romanians’ social and political representation(s) in the British mass-media. More precisely, the research consists of the identification of the media narratives constituency (text, co-text, point of view, focalisation) doubled by a socio-linguistic-pragmatic reading of media narratives. Insights into cultural representation (stereotypes) and ideology functioning based on linguistic studies proves fruitful mostly due to its trans-disciplinary... (citeste mai mult)
  63. Le passeport de langues est un document pour la mobilité des étudiants, des formateurs, des chercheurs et de tous ceux qui vont apprendre ou travailler à l’étranger. Ce document aide à être reconnu le parcours de leur formation initiale, continue et professionnelle. Le passeport linguistique a, tout d’abord, une fonction de présentation et de documentation. Notre article présente le passeport linguistique comme étant un instrument valable et précieux pour la promotion du plurilinguisme, de la compréhension entre les citoyens de... (citeste mai mult)
  64. Dans un monde construit sur un réseau si complexe de relations, qui s’écroulerait sûrement par manque de communication, les stimuli visuels omniprésents sont impossibles à ignorer. Daniela Rovenţa-Frumuşani [1995: 39] affirme: « il faut admettre que notre monde contemporain se situe presque entièrement sous le signe de l’image (qui domine les diverses pratiques sociales comme la publicité, la propagande et le mass-média en général) ». Dans le monde où nous vivons, le discours du journal télévisé a un nouveau statut,... (citeste mai mult)
  65. The age of globalization is also affecting the field of translation. Stereotypical expressions are increasingly used, especially when dealing with legal discourse. Thus, the task of the translator is merely to convey the message in the most comprehensible way for the reader. This paper attempts to present the difficulties in achieving the same legal effect when translating EU legislation from English to Romanian. The first part discusses some theoretical perspectives on legal translation trying to determine the best way of... (citeste mai mult)