Revistă academică, anuală, indexată în Bazele de Date Internaţionale MLA (Modern Language Association, New York) - MLA International Bibliography & Directory of Periodicals, şi Fabula. La recherche en littérature, cotată B+ până în 2011, Cod CNCSIS 489 / 2010, ISSN 1844 – 6965.
Nr. 3 (7) / 2009 – Rezumate
Expandeaza toate articolele
  1. Dans le premier quart du siècle, les écrivains libertins se font remarquer par les imprécations et les blasphèmes contre les mythes antiques et les histoires bibliques. À l’époque de la Fronde s’esquisse un libertinage extravagant, injurieux et blasphématoire. La révolte contre la religion et la pratique volontaire de mœurs dissolues sont les constantes du comportement libertaire de cette génération. La liberté se veut totale: spirituelle, morale et... (citeste mai mult)
  2. Within the social-realism ideology, the critical and literary discourse of the 50’s has to radically elude the aesthetic so as to enter the ideological milieu. The occasional poetry turned into a propaganda instrument for educating the masses through its way of displaying the conscious simplicity and the rudimentary poetic strategies, reflects the modifications of the whole literary field. Thus, poetry becomes the way of re-adjusting national mythology so as to enhance the myths of the new world / man originated... (citeste mai mult)
  3. La récupération de l’image identitaire-symbolique du poète Mihai Eminescu et son transfert dans le mythe du poète de génie a, par rapport au dogme du réalisme socialiste, la fonction de fonder une autre mythologie nationale. La nouvelle littérature – de la nouvelle époque, l’époque socialiste – avait besoin d’une tradition qui puisse fonder, en Roumanie, par une histoire faussée, la doctrine politique et l’idéologie du parti communiste. En accompagnant le discours poétique d’Eminescu, le discours critique change, lui aussi, pour... (citeste mai mult)
  4. The various forms that past-war Romanian literature took should not be denied either accepted in bulk. Among these, the diary becomes a guide for a period which still lies in the darkness of ignorance. It depends on the reader to what extend will or will he not remain the slave of the subjective confessions or if he will sort them through the filter of his own experiences or readings, in a way that rebuilding the historical past is... (citeste mai mult)
  5. Ce travail a, comme objet d’étude, un double but: celui de traiter, d’une part, les points forts de la modernité des idéaux et des formes idéalisées de la génération de 1848 et, d’autre part, les points faibles des oeuvres littéraires qui, marquées par les événements sociopolitiques de l’époque, n’ont pas abandonné les valeurs traditionnelles, populaires, l’histoire et la nature roumaines, c’est-à-dire tout ce qui se constituait en thèmes de prédilection des artistes, mais ils leur ont rajouté une thèse, illustration... (citeste mai mult)
  6. The aim of this paper is to analyze Cantemir’s “Istoria ieroglifică”, by comparing it with the fairy tale structures, whose it pays tribute. I shan’t insist on the historical nature of the text, but on the fictional structures, that would frame the story into the animal tale category. Nevertheless, the fairy tale is supposed to have a stereotypical structure, consisting in an initial equilibrium, the breakup of the initial equilibrium, the hero’s trip in order to restore the initial equilibrium,... (citeste mai mult)
  7. The above text tries to catch the meaning of Eminescu’s entire poetry by presenting both informing of flowerished civilizations and, at the same theme, their sad disappearance as the greatly does in the poem Memento Mori. The poem’s analysis explains the poetical meaning whitch death has in it and, there is to be mentioned the fact that death is not only decoded in ruins and dust, but also it defames the central metaphors of the entire text. Death defines the... (citeste mai mult)
  8. Une année après la mort de Staline, dans la Roumanie communiste, les « réaménagements » politiques ayant pour but une consolidation symbolique du pouvoir entraînent un premier « dégel » sur le plan culturel, dont les conséquences sont, au niveau du discours critique, une tentative de restructuration du panthéon littéraire. Par-delà les exigences doctrinaires subordonnées au dogme soviétique du réalisme socialiste, les études et les articles critiques publiés dans La Vie roumaine enregistrent cet effort de récupération des modèles littéraires... (citeste mai mult)
  9. L’année 1956 marque, dans le champ culturel roumain, un moment de rééchelonnement, conséquence d’une tentative de « reforme » envisagée par le gouvernement Dej, en particulier après la publication du célèbre rapport secret de N. Khrouchtchev sur les crimes de Staline. Sans s’écarter des principes jdanoviens concernant la littérature engagée sur la voie « royale » du réalisme socialiste, le discours critique, tel que l’on peut repérer dans la presse politique de l’époque, porte les traces d’une orientation « révisionniste... (citeste mai mult)
  10. La littérature fantastique se développe au XIXe siècle comme une interrogation scientifique sur la nature de l’homme et sur sa place dans la société. Elle traduit une vision historiquement déterminée, se présentant comme un refuge contre la réalité « vraie » de la société industrielle et du rationalisme. Quelques noms sonores du XXe siècle ont essayé de poser les assises théoriques de ce genre et de mettre à jours ses origines. Même s’il y a autant de définitions du fantastique... (citeste mai mult)
  11. Autoarea propune o incursiune în tema funcţionării limbii române pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova în perioada totalitarismului sovietic şi descrie atât consecinţele formării clişeelor lingvistice ale epocii, cât şi repercusiunile îndoctrinării sovietice asupra creaţiilor literare. Pornind de la ideea că limba este un puternic instrument de socializare, dar şi de politizare a societăţii, autoarea demonstrează în baza experienţei lingvistice şi literare a trecutului totalitar, pertinenţa fenomenului şi în zilele noastre, când angajamentul venal în favoarea totalitarismului continuă să producă mutanţi servili... (citeste mai mult)
  12. Viaţa românească of the year 1958 presents a critical discourse in which the canonic literary models are politically revised in order to enhance a newly occurred order in valuating the artistic work. Thus the ideological premises turn into textual rules of constructing the imaginary fictional worlds in which certain writing traits have to direct the artistic act... (citeste mai mult)
  13. The critical discourse of Viaţa românească of the year 1958 enhances the acute issue of political intrusion within the literary texts which re-values the fictional universe presented. From this point of view, the literature of the period gets to a turning point where writing becomes ideology and ideology becomes writing, making up its own thematic and ideological... (citeste mai mult)
  14. Après la “libération” de 23 août 1944, la culture roumaine sera transformée en instrument de propagande politique, étant investie d’une fonction médiatrice entre le discours légitimateur du pouvoir et une société qui devait être manipulée et rééduquée. Dans ce contexte sociopolitique et culturel, la critique dogmatique des années ’50, échafaudée sur le réalisme socialiste soviétique, mettra en discussion, à travers une relecture / reconsidération de la tradition littéraire et critique du passé, la légitimité des critères esthétiques (descendant du modèle... (citeste mai mult)
  15. In the first years of Communism all writers had to adapt to the new requirements of socialism, to admit to their lack of ideological ideas, to rewrite according to the rules imposed by the party; poems contained lots of stanzas, narration referred to the plan fulfillment in factories and plants and critics commented drastically upon the press of the... (citeste mai mult)
  16. Communism represented a horrible dream and people woke up from it with great effort after almost one century of suffering and terror. Being obedient was of utmost importance. Murder became legal in the name of the communist ideals. Betrayal became a virtue. The facade of political trial made death common place. People lost their ideals on the way. The Cold War split Europe which was still suffering after a devastating conflagration. Words were carefully chosen and used. People almost lost... (citeste mai mult)
  17. At the Romanian Writers Congress held in june 1956 in Bucharest, a special place has been granted to discussing Romanian literature of the period in interventions held by the most important figures of the time such as Mihail Sadoveanu. The problems analyzed by Paul Georgescu in his literary rapport enhance the studies on ideologically involved writers such as Mihai Beniuc or Maria Banuş (in poetry), Petru Dumitriu or Zaharia Stancu (in prose), as well as Vitner’s critical view on the... (citeste mai mult)
  18. La pratique culturelle de l’époque du réalisme socialiste est marquée par des rapports plus étroits de l’homme avec l’histoire, les constructions idéologiques explicites, les jeux du pouvoir participant à la construction du discours intellectuel et littéraire. La littérature roumaine ,,engagée”, est un résonateur et vecteur des exigences et des clichés idéologiques soviétiques en répertoire national¸ la critique assumant une fonction médiatrice, entre le pouvoir et les créateurs. Des tensions sociales auxquelles les intellectuels/les écrivains sont confrontés déterminent leurs choix idéologiques... (citeste mai mult)
  19. Une fois finie la Seconde Guerre Mondiale et installé le régime communiste, la littérature acquerra un rôle bien déterminé dans la propagande politique, jouant le rôle de "véhicule" chargé de la propagation de la nouvelle idéologie. Elle devait mobiliser les masses pour participer à l’édification du nouveau monde et soutenir le pouvoir politique par des créations élogieuses dédiées aux dirigeants et au parti, oeuvres caractérisées très souvent par la précarité des idées enveloppées dans des clichés linguistiques ridicules. Le modernisme... (citeste mai mult)
  20. Nicolae Breban, tout comme Eugen Barbu ont été attirés par le thème du pouvoir et de la domination, mais ils prennent distance de la narration allégorique et de la critique envers le régime communiste. Les romans L’Annonciation et La Semaine des fous sont centrés sur la relation entre l'individu et l'histoire, vue comme un exemple de la soumission humaine. Sous le masque du social et de l'histoire, les textes présentent le combat que l’individu mène contre l'imminence de la mort,... (citeste mai mult)
  21. Notre travail vise à une analyse du roman Viaţa ca o pradă écrit par Marin Preda, en particulier de la vision sur la condition humaine modelée par le contexte sociopolitique de la dictature communiste. Le livre surprend les profondeurs de la mentalité totalitaire, dans les conditions de l’intrusion du politique dans tous les domaines de la vie. A peine dissimulée dans le récit du roman autobiographique susmentionné, la critique des abus du régime revient dans les interviews réunis par Florin... (citeste mai mult)
  22. The Communist age creates its own language and literature, enhancing different types of literary and linguistic manipulatory... (citeste mai mult)
  23. The postmodernism reevaluates the past from a pluralist point of vie, that is through various moods gathered in a dialogue with the forms of tradition. A part of Nedelciu’s characters become intertextual retorts of the novel ‘’Morometii’’ by Marin Preda, being related more or less to the social realities. Thus, Moromete can be found in old Calafoc, in Vasile Sava, a dislocated of the history, or in any other ‘’grey hats’’, those characters taken from the village and projected in... (citeste mai mult)
  24. Existence parallèle ou partie intégrante de la poésie de l’époque totalitaire ? L’immense quantité de productions rimées, nées exclusivement de la nécessité de contrôler au niveau mental les masses, acquiert une légitimité littéraire du moins en raison de son appartenance théorique au genre de la poésie patriotique, dont l’existence est attestée depuis longtemps dans l’histoire de la culture. La poésie occasionnelle communiste, intimement liée aux événements les plus divers (accomplissements magistraux, anniversaires de ces accomplissements ou, tout simplement, événements quotidiens,... (citeste mai mult)
  25. L’analyse du discours politique porte sur le contenu idéologique mais surtout sur les mécanismes de la communication et les fondements discursifs de la légitimité. Cependant, dans les régimes totalitaires de droite ou de gauche il ne s’agit pas d’une réalité historique à un moment donné, mais d’une réalité souhaitable, de l’utopie communiste, toujours envisagée, jamais accomplie. La seule instance où la réalité souhaitée devient réalisée est une fiction officielle, réalisée par des clichés linguistiques qui tachent d’imposer un rapport de... (citeste mai mult)
  26. The paper presents a formative lexical technique less studied in the Romanian linguistics: the so-called post-syntagmatic or delocutive derivation. The basis of this type of derivation is a noun that functions as part of a phrase belonging to the repeated discourse. The result is a new verb that, by condensation, takes over the meaning of the initial expression that is to be substituted in the discourse. Although it has a far less productivity than other derivative structural types (yet, an... (citeste mai mult)
  27. Our paper talks about the feasts from the Christian scenario and their main characteristics; the different types of pre-Christian elements that contribute, together with the Christian ones, to the sketching of the spiritual profile of these feasts, are... (citeste mai mult)
  28. Notre travail se propose une analyse des éléments de vocabulaire devenus clichés dans la poésie de l’époque communiste, processus qui entraîne la perte de la valeur esthétique du... (citeste mai mult)
  29. Advertisers compare Communism with an orange juice, put into bottles by several different companies. Some of them consider it to be yummy, others say it is healty, and others consider it good for the skin. A brand is finding its position on the market, focusing on one single quality of the product. So, Lenin is associated with the idea of political utopia, he represents the idealist communist, Stalin is the symbol of repression and Gorbaciov stands for the death of... (citeste mai mult)
  30. The approach of the linguistic phenomena, especially the changes occurring at the vocabulary level from the language philosophy perspective, can explain a whole range of facts which are in close connection with the study of mentalities. The purpose of our paper is to prove this hypothesis by analyzing the meanings of two Romanian verbs as they have been recorded in different dictionaries along... (citeste mai mult)
  31. During the communist regime, the press had also an informative role. But that was more of an exception. The press was part of the propaganda, just like the censorship. The institution in charge of controlling the press and filtering information was the General Directorate for Press and Printings. Official mouthpieces of the Romanian Communist Party, the newspapers Scanteia and Romania Libera became active in the late 1940s, together with other pro-Communist papers set up by collaborationist journalists and intellectuals. The... (citeste mai mult)
  32. This paper is aimed at bringing forth a number of characters forming the world of the play Ultima oră, by Mihail Sebastian. As the characters are strongly designed upon their actions and gestures within the plot, one can draw a map of features shared by most of the figures sustaining the plot, as well as classifying these figures in some character schemes. For instance, every editorial office has a chief editor; how does he act? What does the balance between... (citeste mai mult)
  33. Censorship has always been functional within the public discourse. During the Communist age, it gets different faces from literary ideology to language... (citeste mai mult)
  34. This paper tries to focus on linguistic clichés of the communist ideology as weapons against thinking, as a rhetoric strategy meant to implement the wooden language. From this point of view, the most interesting examples seem to be the dialogue based texts created by some writers that prove the wooden language as a violent way of communicating through linguistic pattern. Linguistic violence proves an efficient means of persuading, in fact manipulating people’s mind so this is how we explain politicians’... (citeste mai mult)
  35. When analyzing the wooden language one can easily see that traditional ways of communicating through linguistic patterns are driven towards their extremes because the clichés are used by the representatives of the political power as a smoking screen in order to block access to and perception of reality. The present article tries to present points of view upon the wooden... (citeste mai mult)
  36. La Conférence de paix de Bucarest de 1886 et celle de 1913 ont eu au centre de leurs préoccupations exclusivement des questions regardant la région des Balkans. Les deux conférences ont été convoquées au moment où était menacé l'équilibre des forces régionales, de la paix et de la sécurité au sud du Danube, mais aussi sur le plan européen. La seconde réunion de ce genre, celle de Bucarest (17/30 juillet – 27 juillet/9 août 1913), allait accroître le prestige de... (citeste mai mult)
  37. The present paper starts from a rightful but without a definite answer question: is there or is not there a particular press language? Developing H Plett und J. Habermans’ theories, the present paper offers some reason not to consider the journalistic language (especially the news’ language) as a specialized appendix of literature: the absence of special continuum, minimum text extension... (citeste mai mult)
  38. Setting our perspective beyond the traditional perception of the very concept of totalitarianism, we may consider such an issue as establishing original linguistic clichés against present-day totalitarianism as metaphorically rendering the status of Standard English, playing the part of the totalitarian regime, and that of ‘Black’ English, which has indeed been setting original linguistic landmarks for quite some... (citeste mai mult)
  39. Le présent article expose quelques points de vue sur les stratégies de formation des traducteurs et des interprètes de conférence, à l’université. L’idée essentielle de notre étude est celle qu’aucun programme de formation de traducteurs et d’interprètes de conférence n’est viable sans une préparation théorique approfondie et sans l’acquisition des compétences fondamentales nécessaires à ce métier. Dans l’exercice du métier de traducteur et/ou d’interprète de conférence, la théorie et la pratique sont solidaires et... (citeste mai mult)
  40. In a society of information, where knowledge and creativity represent the key factors, the investment in the human’s capital must become an assumed priority to the level of educational policy. Thus, the increasing of the quality in the educational domain presupposes, the reconsidering of the policies, of the patterns and the formation of the strategies, as well as the developing of the human resources, that would contribute to the competitively stimulation and cooperation, at promoting the innovation, of the changing,... (citeste mai mult)
  41. Approaching the medieval history has become an extremely finicky measure, but is necessary for a better understanding of what is happening around us, for revaluating personal experience or cultivating and moulding superior values and attitudes, as well as positive socio-civic competences. This history allows the formation of general competencies concerning: investigating and interpreting facts and historical processes, by using methods of analysis and communication, correlating historical sources, encouraging interest for research, learning the steps in projecting a historical investigation, identifying... (citeste mai mult)
  42. With this paper, the author proposes a rigorous analysis in Roman literature about how writers have been studied in school 50 years. The study emphasizes the criteria that are accepted the works of writers in school textbooks and also how literary models promoted in that... (citeste mai mult)
  43. The author studies in this work the reflection of ethic relations between the interests of human –beings and of non-human beings in literature. Next, it will be made a literary-philosophic analysis of the inherent value of the nature, emphasized by the aesthetic characteristic of being natural etc., and in the same time it will be followed the impact that literature has on the formation of ecologic conscience and behaviour of the young... (citeste mai mult)
  44. The society, through social and cultural values, becomes one of the most influential factors that can influence the self conception of an individual. However, many people don't realize the extent to which stories and literary characters, as role models, influence our behavior and even shape our gender identity. This article underlies the effect that feminine literary characters have in modern society on feminine role models... (citeste mai mult)