Revistă academică, anuală, indexată în Bazele de Date Internaţionale MLA (Modern Language Association, New York) - MLA International Bibliography & Directory of Periodicals, şi Fabula. La recherche en littérature, cotată B+ până în 2011, Cod CNCSIS 489 / 2010, ISSN 1844 – 6965.
Nr. 4 (12) / 2010 – Rezumate (vol. 1)

Reprezentări ale feminităţii în spaţiul cultural francofon

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  1. Pouvoir et sexe coexistent et se heurtent tout au long de Dina, roman de Felicia Mihali en tissant une dialectique paradoxale que j’appelle “la sexualité du pouvoir”. La force du premier (pouvoir) ne peut s’exprimer que dans la répression du second (sexualité), tant que celui-ci représente une menace de subversion de l’ordre établi. Dans le roman, la violence sexuelle du plus fort fait loi. Elle a pour but de réduire l’individu et le soumettre. La domestication du corps n’a autre... (citeste mai mult)
  2. Si les Gender Studies s’inspirent du féminisme, elles sont aussi penchées sur la problématique de l’altérité – coloniale, exotique et autre. En élargissant ce champ de vision au domaine de la littérature francophone et balkanique, j’ai choisi l’oeuvre de Cartarescu pour retracer l’histoire de la féminité, de la sexualité et de la rencontre. La rencontre de l’Autre, l’Autre féminin, et du récit qui en découle. Désirant situer l’écriture de l’écrivain francophone roumain dans son intertexte, je vais regarder comment s’inscrivent... (citeste mai mult)
  3. The literature of the new generation of Moroccan novelists falls under the rupture with the preceding one, in the sense that it was not only released from conventions, but also transgressed the sexual, religious and cultural taboos. The famous Moroccan writer, Tahar Ben Jelloun, allows woman her voice which was previously confiscated by Man. In fact, Tahar Ben Jelloun's writings has become a freedom of expression space which also deploys occulted words. Within this perspective, Tahar Ben Jelloun's novels display... (citeste mai mult)
  4. I lavori di Raymond Trousson e Simone Fraisse hanno dimostrato la vitalità del tema di Antigone nello spazio letterario francese dei primi due terzi del secolo XX. La famosa figlia di Edipo vi incarna una grande varietà di immagini, che conferma la plasticità del personaggio nelle epoche più antiche. Di volta in volta, la tebana incarna la sottomissione ai doveri familiari o la rivolta contro la legge dei parenti e degli adulti. Presta i suoi tratti ad un modello di... (citeste mai mult)
  5. This paper aims to discover, develop and interpret the thematic, stylistic and dramatic elements of Fatima Gallaire’s plays which contribute to emerge the patriarchy’s dramatisation as an opportunity of theatrical and sociological approach of situations of harmonic or problematical relations between fathers and daughters, woman’s oppression and efforts of feminine emancipation in the Maghrebi or Mediterranean family and society. The plays which express in a theatrical, morphological and thematic point of view these parameters and which will form the corpus... (citeste mai mult)
  6. Les autoportraits contemporains d’artistes femmes semblent souvent se caractériser par une mise en doute de ce qui communément définissait ce genre : la ressemblance, l’idéalisation, l’unicité de l’être… Les recours aux miroirs et aux doubles, aux travestissements et à la mise en scène, ou encore aux hybridations et aux transformations du corps, abondent dans les pratiques autoportraitiques européennes et participent de cette déconstruction identitaire. Pourtant, c’est bien en tant que femme, à la fois sujet et objet de l’oeuvre, que... (citeste mai mult)
  7. Joyce Mansour, Anglo-egyptian poet writing in French, embodied a new image of surrealist woman. Considered by Breton as «our woman poet », her work follows the quest of an identity shared between different languages and cultures. Recognition of members of the Surrealist group will double in her sensuous consciousness of wanting to express a feminine otherness that she claims, against an assimilation to clichés. With pre-feminist tones she sings, or shouts, the frenzy of desire, the female body, free but... (citeste mai mult)
  8. Leїla Sebbar, daughter of an Algerian father and French mother, is the writer of a multicultural and immigrant generation. She started to write in France, at the heart of the feminist movement. In her texts she portrays young immigrants, describes the trauma caused by the wars and exile of the 20th and 21st century in a simple, clear style, offering an active and pertinent literary experience. She mixes fiction, autobiography and evidence, inserts images in her texts (novels, short stories... (citeste mai mult)
  9. The form of autobiographical writing, is, to varying degrees, in many modern contemporary writers, especially women. For various reasons, the fundamental question that arises is: these autobiographical narratives, are they sincere? The author is not obliged to include occasionally, for reasons of modesty, of imaginary elements, not excluding even the lie? In fact, it's what Marguerite Duras had confirmed: "In Moderato Cantabile, I tried to tell a secret experience. Then arose a problem of shame. I built walls around this... (citeste mai mult)
  10. During her childhood, Simone de Beauvoir had been influenced by her father’s vision of women, and particularly by his definition of women’s devotion, which came from the books he had read on this topic.. It was not from a feminist point of view, but from a patriarchal one. Beauvoir’s father suggested to his daughters, according to Simone de Beauvoir’ Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter, the example of Colette Yver‘s heroines, who, according Beauvoir’s recollections in her autobiography, preferred the marital... (citeste mai mult)
  11. Taking its start from La beauté Joseph, a novella by Algerian francophone writer Assia Djebar, and from the gender-sensitive account Djebar makes of the archetype of St. Joseph and his temptress Zuleikha, the present paper defends the following claim: religious studies have a lot to gain from the epistemological questions and gender analyses that were formulated by feminist religious scholars in the eighties and nineties of the twentieth century, especially with regard to the representation of femininity. I proceed further... (citeste mai mult)
  12. La France a reconnu aux femmes les droits politiques très tard, en 1944, même si le suffrage universel masculin avait déjà été établi en 1848. Ce paradoxe est le symbole d’une démocratie entre « frères » (Sineau 2001, p.1). Le droit d’éligibilité des femmes a été, en fait, mis entre parenthèses par les pratiques nées dès nouvelles institutions: la Cinquième prend le caractère d’une république mono-sexe, qui va assurer durablement aux hommes le monopole légitime de la politique. Il faudra... (citeste mai mult)
  13. Dans The Straight Mind (La Pensée Straight), Monique Wittig propose une déconstruction de l’idéologie hétérosexuelle en tant que système politique d’un point de vue lesbien, en se plaçant donc à la marge de l’hétéro-patriarcat pouvoir mieux l’examiner et le subvertir. En remettant en cause le mythe essentialiste de « La » femme, l’auteure pose le lesbianisme comme une identité affective mais surtout politique et économique de résistance à l’hétéro-sexisme et au patriarcat. Cet ouvrage est l’un des ouvrages théoriques fondateurs... (citeste mai mult)
  14. Calixthe Beyala stands as one of the most prominent francophone African writers. She is very critical towards social values but is better known through her aesthetics whose main characteristic is the systematic rejection of some Values of the African society and the Christian civilization such as the notion of family, the status of the male in the family etc. She gives important roles to the margins in her novels: women, prostitutes, lesbians etc. Her outcast language goes against social taboos... (citeste mai mult)
  15. Auguste Dupouy fue un escritor bretón que escribió durante la primera parte del siglo XX. Escribió sus novelas siguiendo los pasos de Anatole Le Braz y Charles Le Goffic. Éstos describieron un tipo de mujer bretona basándose en las raíces míticas y en distintas referencias literarias. Sin embargo, ésta aparece en sus novelas dotada de una singular modernidad. Luego del trabajo realizado por estos escritores, A. Dupouy resaltara la oposición que existe entre la fantasía y la realidad de la... (citeste mai mult)
  16. Eric Oberdorff crea la coreografia Sarajevo’s diary a Nizza nel 2005. Jasmina Prolic danza l’assolo Tishma Tanz a Orléans nel 2006. Siamo in Francia. Le opere di Oberdorff e Prolic sono prodotte e diffuse nel sistema economico e politico dei teatri pubblici. Sono tutti e due di formazione classica e moderna occidentale. Se le due danze parlano entrambe dei paesi dell’ex-yugoslavia, della fine della guerra civile, di ciò che resta di tradizioni e di forme di vita, Oberdorff resta esteriore... (citeste mai mult)
  17. In the last twenty years, african women novelists have affirmed their visibility on the francophone literary scene, and have accorded an increasingly central place to the body and sexuality. In the work of each of these novelists, sexuality takes part in an aesthetic project and demonstrates a newly configured vision of the world. It is in this context that the work of Calixthe Beyala, a Cameroonian woman novelist, is situated. While in her first three novels she casts sexuality as... (citeste mai mult)
  18. The literary and artistic representations of femininity and women in the Francophone world depend on geography but also of sensitivity (s) authorial (s). Writing is permanent change such as this creature is also évanecente sibyline and what the woman under the pen of the writer. From three female characters (Mamouchka, Faina and « la figure sous le voile » of three different works (L’Infante maure, Le Sommeil d’Eve et Comme un bruit d’abeilles), we will try to pit different projections... (citeste mai mult)
  19. During the interwar period, the Feminist Movement witnesses a continuous growth, until 1930, manifested by the multiplying of its associations - a phenomenon followed by their association as The National Women Council – and by the amplification of its activities in the public sphere. After gaining - for the municipal elections - the right to vote, the evolution of the Movement is marked by the conflict between the Feminist leaders concerning the implication of women in the political life. The... (citeste mai mult)
  20. The feminist wave initiated by the Quiet Revolution gave birth, in the literature of Quebec, to a plethora of literary productions (novels, plays, critical essays etc.) which approach from different angles the feminine issue in its specificity in regard to social, cultural and economic relations with the other sex. Feminine character in the novel of our choice debates on these subjects using various registers (from the colloquial discourse to pseudoacademic demonstrations) and on a variety of tones. The feminist speech... (citeste mai mult)
  21. L’imagination configurée dans les contes de fée, comparés aux mythes, est liée à un monde irrationnel ayant comme source possible les rêves individuels ou collectifs. Une forêt de symboles, avec la même profondeur insondable des mythes, se cache sous les apparences familières du conte de Perrault, qui peut proposer un retour aux sources, favorisé par un personnage solaire qui réveille la femme sphinx, thèmes promus au rang d’archétypes par la critique jungienne, liant le récit aux complexes personnels de l’auteur... (citeste mai mult)
  22. The recuperation of literary tradition may be activated through the already classic canonic Postmodernist strategies or by using the fictional Realist patterns of the novel. Thus, the textual dialogue focuses on a double perspective: the Postmodern anti-canonic re-writing and the authorial preference for an epoch, writer and his texts. Written by Kogălniceanu, the unfinished novel entitled Tainele inimei (Secrets of the Heart) is the first to relate to Balzac’s Realism, pointing out its strategies and internal motivation in an overt... (citeste mai mult)
  23. The paper examines different perspectives on feminity in some contemporary Romanian works which can be seen as cyberpunk fictions: Cinci nori coloraţi pe cerul de răsărit by Florina Ilis, Derapaj by Ion Manolescu, and Vincent nemuritorul by Bogdan Suceavă. Our approach identifies the role and the features of feminine characters in a technological world usually seen as a manlike territory. The presence of futuristic themes, the play between actual and virtual reality, the serious (or ironic) meditation on the ethics... (citeste mai mult)
  24. In the 80s, a new feminine literature is emerging in France, written by migrant women from the North Africa, which explores the French society and sometimes the Algerian society, through the eyes of female characters who live "[a] difficult and painful acculturation" (Mata Barreiro 2006: 163), who are in search of their identity and freedom. Among the female characters proposed by this particular type of literature, we chose to examine the character of the immigrant girl: living in a "city",... (citeste mai mult)
  25. In Jacques Chessex’s works, the woman identifies with the intimate source of creative inspiration. Whether a novel, short story or chronicle, eroticism is ubiquitous. The presence of the feminine element in men’s life is often associated with a devastating phenomenon as it is described as one of the causes of impaired consciousness and inner conflicts of the characters. In La Confession du Pasteur Burg, the woman is seen as the incarnation of evil, the source of sin and the Devil’s... (citeste mai mult)
  26. Marie Ndiaye is one of the important faces of the contemporary literature having been appreciated by the public and by the critics in the same time. Her last novel Trois femmes puissantes (Three strong women) has received the Goncourt award in 2009 and sold over more than 46.000 copies. This triptic that narrates pieces of 3 women from Senegal caught our attention because, besides the fact that it brings a new view over the feminism it gives us the opportunity... (citeste mai mult)
  27. En se proposant de présenter le réseau complexe de confrontations interculturelles et d’exposer le canon eurocentriste qui s’oppose à l’appropriation de l’altérité, soit-elle interne ou externe, la plupart des films qui traitent du phénomène de la migration se focalisent sur la juxtaposition entre les constructions culturelles de l’Ouest, imaginées par les sociétés-domiciles de l’Est, et celles de l’Est, imaginées par les sociétés occidentales qui hébergent ces premières. Notre travail se donne pour but d’identifier et d’analyser cet entrecroisement, tout en... (citeste mai mult)
  28. The analytical approach to recurrent characterizations of groups as such uses the term “image” to describe the notional representation we form in our minds about otherness. The insights provided by the ethnology and anthropology have underlined the importance of the discourse of “alterity”, which is now understood as complementary to images studies and identity construction. Since Imagology concerns the study of idealized images of an Other, it opens up the possibility of understanding the connection between stereotype, social imagery, literature,... (citeste mai mult)
  29. Pour les Romantiques, le gène du génie paraît s’identifier toujours dans la structure masculine, la femme apparaît le plus souvent comme une incarnation du principe de la simplicité plus ou moins détestable. Plusieurs fois divinisée, adorée, elle montre rapidement sa nature tellurique et elle « déçoit » par ses élans corporels. Le Romantisme instaure ainsi le préjugé sur la supériorité spirituelle masculine qui a donné jusqu’aujourd’hui plusieurs hypostases de la femme dans la littérature roumaine. La femme y apparaît soit... (citeste mai mult)
  30. Angus Macqueen’s trilogy The Last Peasants (2003) aims at making a stand in the current debate on the causes and effects of migration from East European former communist countries to the West. Focusing on the dramatic stories of several Romanian families from the village of Budeşti (Maramureş), the British director’s documentaries foreground the picture of a century-old rural culture in decline; within this framework, individual portraits of characters desperately wishing to make a better living abroad are clearly delineated. As... (citeste mai mult)
  31. Humour about foreigners, as a crystallisation of bilingualism and multiculturality, is based on the divergences between the interlocutors’ linguistic repertoires. Its marginality is enunciated in the manner of expression as a strong recognition of the Other as different and as a source of comedy. It manifests itself here in the “feminine” francophone discourse of Maghrebian humorists, namely Michel Boujenah and Elie Kakou. Hybridization, as a founding mechanism of the humoristic discourse, imposes the alternation between two languages: Standard French here... (citeste mai mult)
  32. Qu’il soit positif ou négatif, le stéréotype reste un véhiculaire des représentations simplifiées et par conséquent, il facilite l’échange entre les individus d’un groupe social et la circulation des images et des idées biaisées par des facteurs éducatifs, sociaux, idéologiques, etc. En effet, malgré l’effort fourni par le lexicographe ; afin de rester objectif, lors de la description du lexique dans le dictionnaire, il n’y a point de travail lexicographique exempté de stéréotypes. Le dictionnaire est forcément influencé par les... (citeste mai mult)
  33. In the fight against gender stereotypes, some feminists stipulate that language, commonly considered as mentalities mirror, is, quite as other behavioral acts, disdaining towards women. Marini Yeguello (1979) insists in this way chiefly on grammatical and semantic asymmetries and tries to show by means of arguments that the lower status of women and their dominance by men in patriarchal societies result in the language structure itself. In this regard, a number of terms which have negative meaning such as mort,... (citeste mai mult)
  34. After having undergone the “trauma” of birth, the baby establishes its first type of communication: that type of immediate, bodily communication, which is pre-verbal and intra-generic (if the baby is a girl) or inter-generic (if the baby is a boy) will be soon replaced with the indirect, mediated communication that is with language. Since language cannot exist in the absence of a body, the transgression of the biological to the symbolical is never neutral, while the metaphor seems to be... (citeste mai mult)
  35. On est si habitué à considérer les manuels comme des outils pédagogiques qu’on est peu enclin à saisir leurs enjeux idéologiques. Or, à la lecture de nombreux manuels scolaires (de la maternelle, du primaire et du secondaire ; de l’enseignement technique ou général), on peut aisément constater des différences fondamentales dans les représentations du féminin. Cet article repose le problème des inégalités de genre dans les manuels scolaires. Il sera particulièrement question d’examiner les images que les manuels scolaires proposent... (citeste mai mult)