Leїla Sebbar, daughter of an Algerian father and French mother, is the writer of a multicultural and immigrant generation. She started to write in France, at the heart of the feminist movement. In her texts she portrays young immigrants, describes the trauma caused by the wars and exile of the 20th and 21st century in a simple, clear style, offering an active and pertinent literary experience. She mixes fiction, autobiography and evidence, inserts images in her texts (novels, short stories and theatrical plays) in order to create a transversal literary space which can bridge the silence between the historical events and personal drama of the period of decolonization. Facts and photographs inspire her stories, in which she raises her voice against the violence suffered by women, raises awareness about those marginalized by society (women, children, the exiled, immigrants and “Beures”) to attest to a socio-cultural reality often hidden and/or mystified and overwhelmed by stereotypes. Meanwhile, her proposed image of globalization is not gloomy or pessimistic. Cultural and geographical intersections hold the potential of a joyful space of all languages and of all origins, in movement.