The so-called ‖wooden language‖ of the political and journalistic discourse in nowadays Romania is evaluated as a means of idelological persuasion that can be associated to the one of the communist regime. This association can be made because they have similarities in external/internal sources and resources for linguistic patterns, usage of codes, linguistic violence, etc. The reason why press and audiovisual discourse turns into ‖wooden language‖ is that mass-media, asumming the authority of being the ‖fourth power‖ of the democratic state, reinforces its status through a ‖performant‖ discourse. Analyzing these aspects from a pragmatic point of view, we can see that the use of ‖wooden language‖ for press and politics is related to the coșerian concept of ‖functional languages‖, thus having a justification for rejecting it, starting from ethical and esthetical criteria.