The violence of the language is a reflex of the phisical and psichological violence in the actual Romanian society. Perhaps, we are the people with the biggest number of swears, hideaous words and machiavelic expressions in the world. This type of violence worries us. Violence is everywhere as the civilization, the inteligence, the art of conversation and the rationality are completely gone. The violence of the language gets new forms of manifestation in the cultural society. It isn‘t only swears, obscene words and expressions, but this is a maximum form. We can be as violent as that by simply using humour or irony.The violence of language isn‘t unfortunately only a therapeutical form, eventhough, apparently, it can shape such an impression. Violence evoques in our minds death, torture, wars, criminality and terorism. In a less dramatic register, we can think at the lack of civilization, insults and outrages, unpoliteness and bad attitudes. Eventhough it is such a known phenomena, it isn‘t easy at all to attribute a consensual and satisfying definition. It is very known the fact that the press and the audiovisual became the fourth power in the state after the anticomuniste Revolution. The TV violence may ―activate‖ and ―create‖ a violent behaviour. It has the absolute supremacy when talking about violent scenes. Violence becomes a political issue and more than that, a theme for the political campain, and we are living in a society where the communication is very important, as the human being has never ―chattered‖ as much as now. The politicians are more and more subdue to the pressure of the events in the mass-media. They are forced to respond to the challenges of the jurnalists and the also have to construct their own image. The President himself expressed his opinion regarding some jurnalists and some events at many interviews. ―The press is more greedy of show than the politicians‖, ― Your shainelessness has no limits; I am off duty‖ . Always annoyed by the cameras, the president has the same rood language regarding the jurnalists. C. V. Tudor is violent in his oficial speeches, too. He has a violent behaviour and language thinking that this is the only way he can impose himself. He sustained the comunist system, having violent articles in the ―Romania Mare‖ magazine.It is possible that this type of discourse deviates from the reality of speaking and even generates new types of discourses.